What I Wish for You

By Emma Pearson

December 8, 2024

30 September 2019

Megan Devine Writing Your Grief Prompt using John O’Donohue’s Poem Beannacht/Blessing as a jumping off point

A Blessing to my Friends in a World Ravaged by Loss

As the weight of your grief crushes your shoulders
I wish that a friend with magically strong and agile fingers comes to you
To probe, release and soothe away some of the tension
Without asking invasive questions
Allowing you to feel some loosening
For just a little while

As the weight of your grief crushes your lungs
I wish that you remember to breathe
I wish that you remember how to breathe
So that your body keeps taking in oxygen
And releasing excessive carbon dioxide
Not adding unnecessary fatigue to your exhaustion

As the weight of your grief crushes your heart
I wish that you not panic with the pain
And remember that it’s perfectly normal
For your heart to feel on the verge of collapse
With the pain it is being asked to carry
Day and night, Night and day

As the weight of your grief crushes your will to live
I wish that a sunbeam comes out to dance
Catching your eye and attention
Making you look up and around at the world
And recognise its ability to hold some of this pain
So that it’s not all in your body

As the weight of your grief crushes your spark
I wish for you to spend the day in bed
With mugs of hot chocolate
Some soothing music and a good book
Without guilt
Wrapped in love and self-care

This is what I wish for you
This is what I wish for myself
Blessings of love and care
This is what we need to keep on
In this devastated landscape
Of death, love, loss and grief

About Emma Pearson

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