Month: <span>August 2023</span>

When answering with the same words is not an option…

July 27, 2024 No Comments

21 August 2023 All photos my own. Main photo: Ring of Brodgar, Mainland Orkney Medjool and I have been continuing our lovely holiday and are now exploring the Orkneys. (I understand that, while one should not say, “the Shetlands”, one can say “the Orkneys”. But perhaps I should check. (I just did… it pisses some […]

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“Everyone has a story for how they end up here”

July 27, 2024 No Comments

15 August 2023 Photos my own For the past ten or so days, Medjool and I have been on holiday in Shetland. Note One: Despite there being approximately 100 islands in the archipelago, I quickly learned to refer to where we were as just “Shetland” – not “The Shetlands” or “The Shetland Islands”. Whether we […]

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