Month: <span>March 2019</span>

A Tsunami of Dates

July 27, 2024 No Comments

31 March 2019 I am in my “Tsunami of Dates”. “The” Dates. The numbers in the calendar that are no longer meaningless, no longer innocent, no longer equal to all the others, but that instead are hard. Damned hard. Layered, weighed down with meaning and heavy sighs. There are Mike’s dates, and there are my […]

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Nothing is Wasted – or – It’s Not About the Car

July 27, 2024 3 Comments

25 March 2019 “These things I know: How the living go on living and how the dead go on living with them so that in a forest even a dead tree casts a shadow and the leaves fall one by one and the branches break in the wind and the bark peels off slowly and […]

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March has been a Good Month for Healing Friendships

July 27, 2024 No Comments

24 March 2019 I have been very fortunate this month to spend time with four dear old school and university friends. (We Brits differentiate between “school” and “university”. School for me is up to 18, and university is what came after that).  Surprisingly, for an extrovert, I don’t go out much at the moment – […]

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