Month: <span>March 2023</span>

The Body Remembers – again

July 27, 2024 3 Comments

Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash 30 March 2023 This morning I awoke at exactly 4h00. It’s not entirely uncommon that I am awake around that time. But to awaken at exactly 4h00. On 30th March. The body remembers. Nineteen years ago, at that very moment, I woke up. I needed the loo. As in […]

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NNTR and other attempts to influence language

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Image by i-am_nah on Unsplash 25 March 2023 Back in the 1980s, and possibly into the 1990s, I was quite an avid reader of two “wimmin’s magazines” – Company and Cosmopolitan. I just looked up to see if they still exist – they do. But I am curious how I ever found any of it […]

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“Pas Voulu Mais Choisi”

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

Image by Josue Michel on Unsplash 18 March 2023 I have just come back from my Saturday morning swim with the Masters. When I say, “with the Masters”, I speak rather relatively. Yes, I am part of the Masters group, and so get access to special opening times, long before the sun rises. On Saturdays […]

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A Monstruous Web of Grief and Loss

July 27, 2024 2 Comments

11 March 2023 Main image by Guille Pozzi on Unsplash I saw yet another film today. I am seeing rather a few at the moment. Anytime I go into town, I work out whether or not I can sneak in a film on my way home. And sometimes I can. So I just do. Late […]

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Love Is Not Always Enough

July 27, 2024 2 Comments

Image by freestocks on Unsplash 5 March 2023 Last night I saw “The Son”, which I knew would be a hard film. (** Spoiler Alerts ** Don’t read if you want to see the film **) I knew from the trailer that it was about teenage struggle – possibly linked to mental health issues related […]

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