Month: <span>September 2018</span>

Widow Walking in Wild Weather

July 27, 2024 6 Comments

23 September 2018 I wrote a couple of weeks ago about not recognising my life.  Since then I have hiked for 12 big fat full days up and down Corsican mountains on the “GR20 mythique”.  Considered to be the hardest of the French Grandes Randonnées, at 180 km in length and over 10,000 m of […]

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I Don’t Recognise My Life

July 27, 2024 No Comments

7th September 2018 There are films about people who go to sleep and wake up remembering nothing; or people who go into hospital for surgery and awaken in someone else’s life. They have lost all sense of who they are, who their relationships are with, what they do…. A terrifyingly fearful void where all of […]

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A big week made bigger

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

1st September 2018 It’s Saturday morning and I am sitting in bed – with the dog.  In my new life, this is one of my favourite times of day.  That, and going to bed.  There’s something about bed there, being in bed.  A bed theme.  I know some widows who intensely dislike, even fear, the […]

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