Month: <span>July 2020</span>

Let Me See Where Mike Is At

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

26 July 2020 On Friday, a couple of days ago, some dear friends, Trisha, Angus & Isobel from London, came to stay for the evening/night before heading into the Swiss Alps for some summer holiday mountain respite. Dear friends to me, to Mike, and to each of our kids, all of whom were born after […]

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Grief Maths

July 27, 2024 2 Comments

20 July 2020 Main Image by Angela Franklin, “Grief Will Teach You Math, When You Subtract One” (2019) I am no mathematician. I was pretty weak at maths at school, and given the option of having 7 or 8 hours of maths a week vs 3 or 4 hours in my final two years, […]

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Wrapping Loss in Love

July 27, 2024 3 Comments

Photo by Kevin Fong 14 July 2020 I spend a lot of my time reading about death, dying, and grieving, participating in webinars and holding space sessions with grief experts, people who’ve developed wise perspective on what it is to love, to lose, and to continue living. Apart from two moments since Mike’s death, I […]

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Post Mortem – a year on

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

All photos my own 6 July 2020 This past week we have been honouring and commemorating Julia. (And Mike. And Ed. And Don. Of course). Like we do every day. Of course. But particularly Julia this week. The first “deathiversary”. The first anniversary post mortem. I don’t really know why the one-year anniversary feels like […]

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