Month: <span>December 2021</span>

Today I have lived 20,000 days

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Main image by Debby Hudson on Unsplash 28 December 2021 I know, notice, or choose to find out, the weirdest things about dates and days. I love number patterns. I love that my birthday is 270367 and Mike’s is 270763. Same digits. A numerologist’s dream. Or so I choose to believe. Just recently, we have […]

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Black, the Christmas Dog

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

22 December 2021 I cannot find the picture that Julia drew for this piece of work. It was beautiful. A black dog called Black, with Christmas Tinsel tied around his neck. WordPress puts up its own picture, apparently. Once upon a time there was a dog called Black.  Black was as black as night.  Black […]

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Flowering Unapologetically

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

20 December 2021 Main Image on Unsplash by Roksolana Zasiadko. Other photos my own from this weekend – French Jura I am a subscriber to Megan Devine’s weekly and monthly writing prompts. I always read them, even if I don’t often write into them. But this week I want to write into one of the […]

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In Conversation with Madiba

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Main image by Ashim d’Silva on Unsplash 13 December 2021 Some of the more woo-woo stuff I get up to is “Journey work” (The Journey®). I first came across Brandon Bays, and her book, “The Journey”, in Autumn 2009, and fell in love with it. Over the next few years, I attended about 30 days […]

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Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful Widows

July 27, 2024 2 Comments

Photos from Soaring Spirits International 3 December 2021 I got my first Christmas card two days ago. Not quite in November, but almost. It stunned me in myriad ways. Firstly, I am staggered I even receive Christmas cards anymore. I don’t send any. I used to, in the life before, but I don’t now. Or […]

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