Month: <span>January 2024</span>

Regenerating Julia

July 27, 2024 4 Comments

Main image by Markus Spiske on Unsplash 17th January 2024 That the brain automatically seeks to join dots and make connections with seemingly disparate things is well known. We need coherence, want to make sense of things, form whole Gestalts, not just because the alternative is otherwise just a bunch of data points, but also […]

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With Love From Edward?

July 27, 2024 6 Comments

Main image by Simon Berger on Unsplash. Other photos by Jane del Pozo. 9th January 2024 A couple of nights ago I was working at the end of life hospice. It was my first shift in a few weeks, having not gone in over the holiday period. Yes, the hospice still runs – 24/7/365 – […]

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The Rich Wisdom of Dreams

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Photo by Mark Rimmel on Unsplash 4 January 2023 I tend to be a light sleeper. I always have been, even as a kid. The slightest bit of light, noise, and my own (not even that loud) snoring, wakes me. The upside of light sleep is that I awaken often during the night, and get […]

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New Year’s Noodlings and Ramblings

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Photo by Jamie Fenn on Unsplash 1st January 2024 I am still in a funky space. The “between Christmas/25th Dec and New Year/1st Jan” feels particularly challenging this year. I am still not sure why that is. I have my theories but none leap out at me saying, “hey chica – it’s because of this”. […]

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