Month: <span>April 2017</span>

Grief Part Two: Widowing is Lonely Work

July 27, 2024 No Comments

24th April 2017 One of my nieces uses the term “Adulting” on her Facebook posts. I like the term. Even at my grand old age of 50 I comment on how grown up some of my friends have become – e.g., “your home is so grown up” (i.e., clean, dangerously light-coloured furniture, belongings that look […]

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July 27, 2024 No Comments

20th April 2017 “Adminalation” – that’s a cross between Admin and Annihilation. Megan went back to the UK last night. Julia’s been gone on an exotic holiday for a few days. So it’s just Ben and me now for a bit. Having had some pretty unstructured days recently, I thought I’d put a bit of […]

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Grief Part One: I Don’t Much Like This Widowing Thing

July 27, 2024 No Comments

17th April 2017 My first post in over 18 months, following the deaths of my sweet friend Don on 11th September 2015, my youngest brother Edward, on 10th January 2016, and my husband Mike, on 8th April 2017.  This is going to be raw.  It’s purely personal, not much to do with my core work, except that […]

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