Month: <span>September 2019</span>

Remembering – and Forgetting – Dates

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Image courtesy of Sarah Treanor @ Megan Devine Prompt from WYG course asking us to reflect on the experience of first noticing when we are not counting every single day since our person died…. 30 September 2019 As I type down the date just now, it screams back at me. SCREAMS! 30th of the […]

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Musical Moments

July 27, 2024 No Comments

29 September 2019 A contribution to Soaring Spirits Widow’s Voice Blog – 1 October 2019 I am a new guest writer here on Soaring Spirits. I do realise that it’s a site for Widowed people. I am widowed. My husband Mike died of pancreatic cancer on 8th April 2017. He was 53. It feels like […]

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What I Wish for You

July 27, 2024 No Comments

30 September 2019 Megan Devine Writing Your Grief Prompt using John O’Donohue’s Poem Beannacht/Blessing as a jumping off point A Blessing to my Friends in a World Ravaged by Loss As the weight of your grief crushes your shouldersI wish that a friend with magically strong and agile fingers comes to youTo probe, release and […]

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Moments of Marginally More Looseness

July 27, 2024 No Comments

28 September 2019 Invitation from Megan Devine in the WYG course to look for the spaces where things can just be a little looser. “Find those tiny spaces where things loosen just a little. Because they are useful. And they are really important”. Late last night I listened to the soft belly audio that Megan […]

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My Bashed Up Heart

July 27, 2024 No Comments

26 September 2019 Megan Devine Writing Your Grief prompt asking us to consider the condition of our heart. What is the condition of my heart? My heart is a withered old thing. Deflated. Once strong and firm, now floppy, like a punctured balloon. My heart is reminiscent of a partially deflated rugby ball or football, […]

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Reflecting on the Experience of Writing

July 27, 2024 No Comments

26 November 2019 Megan Devine WYG prompt asking us to review the first 14 days of the course… and reflect on what we have learned, noticed, etc As some know, this is my “Round Three” of WYG. Round one I did within weeks of Mike’s death. It felt too soon. I was too bubbly, too […]

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Letter to Julia

July 27, 2024 No Comments

24 September 2019 Megan Devine prompt from Writing Your Grief: “Imagine writing a letter to the one you’ve lost: what would you show them in this new “home” town? Your world is entirely new, now. It’s not the same place it was before death entered your life and your home”. I beg to differ, Ms Devine. […]

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The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

July 27, 2024 No Comments

23 September 2019 Megan Devine prompt inviting us to reflect on the number 13 (it being day 13 of the writing programme). I decided to be clever and think of 13 things I had learned. Then categorised them according to the little ditty. Thirteen things I have noticed since being widowed – the good, the […]

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Breathe in the Wreckage

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

22 September 2019 Megan Devine’s Writing Your Grief Prompt inviting us to be with the pain, the despair, the wreckage… asking what would it take for us to feel the pain and not run away from it What would it take for me to breathe in the wreckage? I am breathing in the wreckageI don’t […]

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Healing Balm

July 27, 2024 No Comments

21 September 2019 Another Megan Devine prompt with a piece of May Sarton’s writing, inviting us to write from whatever line caught our attention. I chose this line: “I suffer from these brief weekends, the tearing up of the roots of love, and from my own inability to behave better under the stress”. I have […]

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