Month: <span>April 2021</span>

Sweet Grief

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Main photo by Marcus Ganahl on Unsplash 25 April 2021 I am reading and/or listening to two startlingly wonderful books at the moment. Both make me sob and cry; my throat constricts, my shoulders slump and shake. Reading can be so physical and emotional. The first book (that I am actually reading) is “Dear Life” […]

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Alchemising Impermanence

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Photo by Simon Berger on Unsplash 19 April 2021 Sometime around the age of 5, children learn that things and people die. Of course, some very young kids learn this earlier, through the tragedy of a close human death in their immediate entourage – be it the death of a sibling, parent or grandparent. But […]

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Double Trouble

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

All photos our own 13th April 2021 13th April. One of those dates that – I assume – will always be lodged in my mind, in my heart, in my body, in my soul. Today is 25 years to the day since Mike and I got married, on a cold, grey day in Grasmere, Cumbria. […]

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Some Softer Dates

July 27, 2024 No Comments

5 April 2021 Main photo by Sarah Treanor on streanor.comAll other photos my own It’s been a good week. Surprisingly good, for the time of year. A slew of special events and treats. Lots of variety – much more than in recent COVID-times – including a flight and a visit to another country! What’s not […]

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Ma partenaire est veuve : quels impacts sur notre relation ?

July 27, 2024 4 Comments

Publié le 4 avril 2021, écrit le 26 mars 2021 Crédit photo: Sarah Treanor, amie chère et veuve elle aussi Bonjour. Mon prénom est Neil, alias « Medjool ». Depuis juin 2019, j’ai l’immense chance d’être entré dans la vie et le cœur d’Emma, qui tient ce blogpost. Emma a perdu son mari, Mike, voici 4 […]

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My partner is widowed: so what does that mean for our relationship?

July 27, 2024 8 Comments

Posted on 2nd April 2021, written on 26th March 2021 Image by Sarah Treanor, fellow widbud, on My name is Neil, aka “Medjool”. As of June 2019, I have been fortunate enough to have entered the life and heart of Emma, who keeps this blogsite. Emma lost her husband, Mike, almost 4 years ago. […]

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