Month: <span>January 2022</span>

Choosing Love

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

Main picture by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash 30 January 2022 January’s Monthly Prompt from Megan Devine & Refuge in Grief for Grieflings who have been through her 30-day Writing your Grief Programme “For decades, my parents have said they wouldn’t get new dogs or cats when the ones they had died. Their last dog […]

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If Only…

July 27, 2024 3 Comments

Photos our own, taken over the years. Main photo with baby Ben, (2000). I have so few photos of us just sitting in bed, when it happened so often. Other photos taken by the kids or friends over the years. I treasure these photos. 22 January 2022 I have many terrible dreams. Night-time dreams, I […]

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2022 Is The Year Of….Lovely Work

July 27, 2024 4 Comments

Image by Jen Theodore on Unsplash We are far enough into January now to no longer be seeing quite so many stories of New Year’s Resolutions. What a relief. I can better tolerate stories of New Year’s Intentions – which seem to be more flexible, more humane. Intentions seem to offer more malleability, more wiggle […]

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“Go Get Yourself A Bigger Problem”

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

Photos by Jane del Pozo – at La Maison de Tara and at Ed’s home (Oct & Dec 2015) 9 January 2022 Back in the early 1990s, I worked for a couple of years post-Masters, in a small consulting firm of organisational psychologists in Cambridge. One of my colleagues – let’s call her Terri – […]

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One of the Best Things

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Photos my own taken these past days 3 January 2022 So Christmas and New Year have been okay. Better than okay. Moments that were really hard, of course; but more moments that have been really enjoyable. Ben and Megan came back from the Netherlands where they study, and stayed largely at home while they were […]

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