Month: <span>March 2020</span>

The Wrong Kind of Dates

July 27, 2024 No Comments

26-29th March 2020 About a year ago, I ventured a little toe into the on-line dating waters. Everything about the idea was absurd, unfathomable, unimaginable. Before that, I’d had a couple of months where I bravely, if hesitantly, asked trusted friends, “Do you know anyone who knows anyone who knows anyone (etc) who might know […]

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Don’t Get Me Wrong, But…

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Artwork of Julia & her BFF by Julia, 2019 21 March 2020 First day of Spring. At least in my rolodex of dates. The Vernal Equinox. More light than dark each day in the northern hemisphere. Spring. One of my four favourite seasons. Freshness. Colours. Sounds. Scents. Beauty splashing all around. The Alps in the […]

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Incompletely Complete

July 27, 2024 2 Comments

Photo generously donated by Shutterstock 20 March 2020 Today is day four of French lockdown. Today is also four days since I got my two alive kids home from the UK. I’d been saying to them over the past week, “I don’t mind where you are – I think the UK or France will be […]

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The Courage Required to Look Grief in the Face

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Photo by Sarah Treanor ( 9th March 2020 I have just come back from a fascinating two-day workshop on Transformative Facilitation. It’s about enabling, engendering, indeed even provoking moments of deep insight and reflection that can lead to fundamental change in how a person sees themselves and the world around them, leading to different, more […]

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