Month: <span>May 2017</span>


July 27, 2024 No Comments

14th May 2017 I have been noticing “Firsts”.  First times I do something since Mike died, or even since Mike was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer – still only a little over 6 months ago.  Things that were routine, weekly, sometimes even daily.  I feel like I have noticed them all.  Some feel massively important and […]

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Grief Part Three: How do I integrate Grief anyway?

July 27, 2024 No Comments

6th May 2017 For the past three days I have been in Belgirate on Lago Maggiore doing Part One of the Advanced Programme of Systemic Constellations with Francesco Pimpinelli.  The training has been about ways of working systemically with aspects of ourselves – patterns of behaviour, inner conflicts, shameful attributes, unacknowledged powers, character traits, inner […]

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