Month: <span>October 2023</span>

Hallowe’en Musings

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Image by Freestocks on Unsplash 31 October 2023 I didn’t know it was Hallowe’en (*) – hadn’t remembered it was Hallowe’en, at least – until I typed in today’s date. But Hallowe’en it is. I should perhaps think of letting my pet sitters back at home know that there will be a stream of kiddies […]

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Mike and Medjool Fusion Holiday

July 27, 2024 2 Comments

All photos my own – taken in Catania, Sicily, today (or else, as indicated, back in 1992) 7th October 2023 I am in Sicily. Alone not alone. Alone in that I have come away unaccompanied. Not alone in that there are the island’s usual residents, plus more than a handful of tourists. Last time I […]

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