Month: <span>July 2018</span>

What is it About Triggers?

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

24 July 2018 I know that none of us ever, for one single micro-moment forgets that our one, our ones, our person, our people are gone… We – I – remember all the time.  I know all the time.  Even as I am always shocked. Put that parallel universe to one side for a moment… […]

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Making Memories

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Today, 16 July 2018, is a year since we had Mike’s Celebration of Life – on 16th July 2017.  Yesterday, Sunday 15th, felt more like the anniversary itself, as last year, 16th July was a Sunday.  So much of that day remains etched in my brain, memories wired into neural pathways, or something like that.  […]

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The End of an Era

July 27, 2024 2 Comments

This afternoon we said goodbye to Iryna from the Czech Republic.  Iryna has been our au pair for most of the past school year.  With her departure closes an enormously important and very long chapter in our family’s life:  that of having live-in au pairs.  We have had au pairs for 16 years!  Ever since […]

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The Body Remembers

July 27, 2024 No Comments

On Sunday I was aware to the day, hour and minute when Mike died 15 months prior. Today I remember my little brother Edward who died 30 months ago today – 10 Jan 2016. Same day as David Bowie. My mind does weird things with dates. But really it’s my body that knows. I don’t […]

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Who am I and Why am I here?

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

Welcome to my blog – Widowing Empty Nests.  A space for me, Emma, to put some of the writing I do about my new life, a life I didn’t expect, didn’t want, but is. In the space of less than a year, I went from being married to the man I had known and loved […]

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