On Sunday I was aware to the day, hour and minute when Mike died 15 months prior. Today I remember my little brother Edward who died 30 months ago today – 10 Jan 2016. Same day as David Bowie.
My mind does weird things with dates. But really it’s my body that knows. I don’t have reminders in my diary. I just know. My body knows. And of course, I always know, 100% of the time that these wonderful men are missing from my life. I don’t forget – ever. Even when I sleep.
And yet I am always amazed, bowled over, by what has happened. Ed, my little brother of only 46. How can it be? Don, my best platonic male friend… a friendship of 30 years -closed. And of course Mike… a smidge under 30 years of being together.
I miss my three good men, today and every day.
10th July 2018