Month: <span>January 2020</span>

A Good Week?

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

27 January 2020 It’s been a good week. By most objective and subjective measures, it’s been a good week. For me. And I realise it’s been a horrendous week and few days for anyone who is newly widowed, grieving, going through date landmines, dealing with death-admin. I am not a follower of Basketball, American or […]

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Sticky Issues

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Photo by Robert Thiemann on Unsplash 20 January 2020 When I was turning 20, (back in the last millennium, and indeed more than a decade before its end), a few people asked me, “what do you want for your 20th birthday?” I answered, “Twenty years between now and when I am 30”. I thought it was a very […]

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Too Many Deaths. Really. That’s Enough.

July 27, 2024 2 Comments

12 January 2020 I have just come back from what should have been two lovely days away with my Medjool. My new love. My number two. (Not Second Best. Just Number Two. Subtle but Important difference). Some of our time away was lovely – truly relaxing, soothing, stunningly beautiful, comforting, renewing, and more. And some […]

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997, 998, 999, 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, et seq ad infinitum et ad nauseam

July 27, 2024 No Comments

3 January 2020 Today is Friday 3rd January 2020. 3/1/2020 Or 1/3/2020 if you’re somewhere in North America, but that looks plain wrong to me. And anyway, that would be my dad’s birthday, 1st March. Not my uncle’s birthday, 3rd January. Both healthy, sporty, fit 81-year old men. 82 now for my uncle. Today is […]

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