Month: <span>April 2023</span>


July 27, 2024 No Comments

Screenshot Photo my own 28 April 2023 A long, long time ago, back in the last millennium, in the time when there were dinosaurs, and during the 7 month period between 1997 and 1998 where I had a brilliantly exciting expat assignment in Minneapolis, I met a lovely woman called Betsy. She was first a […]

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Just because I “know” doesn’t mean I “remember”

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

Photo of Ground Zero Memorial by Oleg Illarionov on Unsplash 24 April 2023 It’s a tricky thing, supporting others who have experienced great loss. Even when you yourself have experienced great loss. Even when you have experienced the “same” great loss, dammit. It’s a tricky thing because of so many tricky things. Tricky things like […]

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Poster Child – but not for the reasons I would have wanted

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

Main photo from family friend Pascaline (photo of Megs & Jubee, which P has stuck behind a piece of art made by and gifted by Julia, many years ago) 16 April 2023 It was Julia’s 19th birthday a couple of weeks ago. On 30th March. Still her birthday. Even if she is not alive to […]

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8th April

July 27, 2024 8 Comments

Photos my own, taken today 8th April 2023 It generates a sicky feeling in my tummy. A sinking of my heart. A shortening of my breath. An increase in my heart’s rate. A tensing of my belly. A weakening of my arms’ and legs’ strength. Trembly fingers. This date. 8th of April. Typing it out. […]

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