Month: <span>December 2022</span>

Channelling Christmas Spirits

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

Main image by Rob Wicks on Unsplash. Other photos my own. 29 December 2022 Today is my first “me day” in a fat week. I have had eight continuous days, (mostly enjoyable, if also busy), of catering and making, shopping and cooking, organising and preparing, washing and folding, sweeping and wiping, loading and unloading, and […]

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Slightly Lighter

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Image by Caleb Woods on Unsplash 26 December 2022 I survived another Christmas Day. Woohoo!I survived yet another Christmas Day.I am impressed. And of all of the above words, the word “survived” is the one that least fits. Because, for the first time in 9 Christmases, it didn’t feel like “survival”. It wasn’t exactly singing […]

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Two Additional Years

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

Image by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash 8 December 2022 Today I have lived two full years longer than Mike lived. He never quite made 20,000 days, and I am now well over that milestone. I have been lucky to have… …as compared with what Mike had. The numbers look ridiculous. Absurd. And as I type, […]

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Did I hear you say “…my surviving kids…”?

July 27, 2024 2 Comments

Photo of my surviving kids, 27 July 2020, on what would have been Mike’s 57th birthday 1 December 2022 I was on a call last night for a personal-professional (same-same) development programme. It was the fifth meeting of eight we are having as a learning cohort. The group of participants is not large. All our […]

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