Month: <span>March 2022</span>

And now you are 18

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Main image by Ed Robertson on Unsplash 30th March 2022 Sweet Julia Grace And now you are 18. Even though you are also forever 15. I gave birth to you 18 years ago today, 30th March 2004, at 5 am. This morning I was awake at that time, thinking of you. Always missing you. Still […]

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July 27, 2024 No Comments

Main image by Ihor Oinua on Unsplash 28th March 2022 In English, when we miss our homeland, we say, “I feel homesick”. In French, when we miss our homeland, we say, “J’ai le mal du pays”. Close enough, but not quite the same. Taken literally, the English version seems just to be about missing one’s […]

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The Miracle of Quality Listening

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

Image by Sammy Williams on Unsplash 20 March 2022 COVID restrictions are falling away, even in France, which means that I am going out a bit more.  This week I had four sorties mid-week – a wine-bar near my home, a premiere at the cinema with Medjool and his daughters, a goodish walk in the […]

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Learning to Live Without a Map

July 27, 2024 2 Comments

Main image by Ali Elliott on Unsplash 13 March 2022 I love maps and I love metaphors. I love maps, orienteering maps in particular, though ones of mountainous areas and other rough terrain will do. I like maps that use colours, and the larger the scale, the more detail of the terrain shown, the better. […]

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My New Favourite Grief Model(s)

July 27, 2024 No Comments

5 March 2022 Main image by Олександр on Unsplash This week is the Climate Coaching Alliance Festival – from 3-8 March 2022. I’ve joined it for the third year running. I joined it in part because coaching with the climate and our planet’s well-being in mind is increasingly part of how I work. I joined […]

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