Month: <span>August 2020</span>

Dying to Live or Living to Die?

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Photo by Juliana Malta on Unsplash 30 August 2020 I have just written this for my 53rd piece of weekly writing for Soaring Spirits International, which means I have been writing on their site for a year. My gentlest year in five years. I wanted so much to be able to write that there had […]

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Love Threading Through My Week

July 27, 2024 No Comments

24 August 2020 Today’s – no – this week’s – topic is Love. As I sit and reflect on what to write about, as with last week, there seem to be lots of different topics. All interesting at some level, but not “enough” to make a blog post out of. So my next question is, […]

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A Week’s Ramblings

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Main Photo – Paris Sunrise after a Storm 17 August 2020 I could write about five or more different topics this morning. Or none. The five feel valid but somewhat anecdotal. A bit light. And yet they are not. Not a lot is light in my life. Which is okay. And there is lightness. I […]

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A Letter of Encouragement to my Widbuds

July 27, 2024 2 Comments

All photos my own and taken these past days in the Pyrenees Orientales, France. 9th August 2020 I could write tons of letters of encouragement to my Widbuds, or indeed Grieflings of any fragrance or flavour. Whether it’s about putting one foot in front of the other; trusting that one heartbeat or breath will follow […]

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Nice enough. Just not “right”

July 27, 2024 No Comments

View of the Canigou from my parents’ house 3 August 2020 We have been on holiday now for a “fat” week. “We” is Megan, Ben, Medjool and me. A “fat” week is 10 days. The first 7 days were spent in the Camargue, a beautifully wild part of southern France, around the Rhône Delta, famous for […]

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