Month: <span>November 2022</span>

Some emails jump out and punch me

July 27, 2024 3 Comments

Photo taken by one of Julia’s boarding school friends, and sent to me some days after her death 29 November 2022 I needed to find an email I knew would be in my inbox somewhere, and so typed in two Christian names that I figured would result in what I was looking for. The email […]

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Being friends because your friend is dead

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

Main image – a shop we chanced upon. Other photos my own these past days. 26 November 2022 I have been having a few lovely days in Paris. It might be best known for being gorgeous in the Spring, and I do like it in the Summer too, but I think it’s lovely in the […]

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July 27, 2024 1 Comment

Image by Dan DeAlmeida on Unsplash 19 November 2022 A long, long time ago, I had a lovely colleague, (let’s call her Jeanne), who had a similar role to me, except she was head of a different office in our consulting firm. She was a bit older than me, and had had all of her […]

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For once, the tears weren’t (only) mine

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Main photo by Zac Ong on Unsplash 13 November 2022 Last Sunday I completed a 20 km running event. My first event of that distance (or so) in three years. I wrote about the run’s run-up here. I have so often been on the verge of tears at various points in long runs – […]

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Keeping Active Hope Alive for COP 27

July 27, 2024 No Comments

5 November 2022 Photos my own – in the local forests I love to run in Tomorrow I am participating in the Geneva 20 km run. The last time I participated in a distance like this – approximating a semi-marathon – was 2019. The year Julia died. I remember that event so clearly. It astounds […]

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