Month: <span>February 2019</span>

Infinitely Finite

July 27, 2024 2 Comments

28th February 2019 Image courtesy of Sarah Treanor ( Writing Prompt from Megan Devine ( and It’s OK that you’re not OK) One more John Green passage this week. He really does get grief and love. The Fault in Our Stars came out a few years after Matt died. I hated most books back then, mostly because they portrayed grief […]

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Valentine’s Day

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Photo credit Sarah Treanor 14th February 2019 On this day 2 years ago, Mike was very ill already. He came downstairs in the morning having showered. I could tell that he’d lost a lot of his hair, “overnight” it seemed. I could see his scalp through his remaining hair. It just suddenly looked very […]

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Head for the Rhomboid Molar in the Orange Gum

July 27, 2024 No Comments

10th February 2019 The experiment of my new life continues. Little experiments. Like whether or not to wear a full wetsuit, a full rash suit complete with stirrupy-things for my feet; a mere rash vest, or, god forbid, just my swimming cozzie, for one of many long-distance, open water swims this week. Medium-sized experiments. Like […]

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