Month: <span>August 2021</span>

This Life. THIS One

July 26, 2024 2 Comments

Lac de Lamoura, French Jura. Photo my own, taken yesterday, 28 August 2021 29 August 2021 I have been doing some reading, learning and re-working on Narrative – aka the story/stories I/we tell – whether to ourselves or to others. Narratives are potentially powerful vehicles for life, living, how we show up in the world, […]

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Just how do we ever do this?

July 26, 2024 No Comments

Image courtesy of Sarah Treanor ( 22 August 2021 This is my 104th piece of writing for Soaring Spirits International, which means I have been writing here for exactly 2 years. A piece a week.  And sometimes I write more frequently on my own personal blogsite. I had been widowed for over two years, and […]

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I am beginning to see what you’ve lost

July 26, 2024 2 Comments

17 August 2021 All photos my own – French, Spanish, Andorran Pyrenees I am just back from three weeks holidays spent with Medjool. It’s been lovely. Refreshing. Renewing. Most of the time we were walking in the Pyrenees, east to west, heading from the Mediterranean sea towards the Atlantic ocean. We walked for about 12 […]

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