Month: <span>August 2019</span>

Shattered and Fragile, Though Not Completely Destroyed

July 27, 2024 6 Comments

28 August 2019 I had one of those experiences today that remind me of the fragility, the tenuous-ness of my well-being, my composure and stability. The experience made me cry, and cry hard. Sometimes I think I don’t cry enough. I probably don’t. I’ve never been much of a crier. I know how and when […]

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Just Another Screwy Sunday

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Photo of local run/walk under the Jura hills 25 August 2019 In 1986, back in the last millennium, back when there were dinosaurs, there was a popular song by The Bangles – “Manic Monday”.  In the song, the lead singer wants to go back to Sunday. “It’s just another manic Monday I wish it was […]

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Healing Hurts

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

17 August 2019 I often receive wise, warm words from friends. One friend, John C, yesterday wrote about how nothing in his grief is linear or predictable. Another, Mee-Yan, commented on the co-existence of strength and fragility, and the simultaneousness of myriad, varied emotions. And yet another, Laurence, wrote about the co-existence of ecstatic happiness […]

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Finding my (New) Community that I didn’t know Existed

July 27, 2024 2 Comments

Featured Photo by Sarah Treanor ( 10th August 2019 A need has been bubbling to the surface of my consciousness these past days as our “holiday” in the Dominican Republic draws to a close and my mind and heart, inevitably, lurch to “back home-ness”. As the incomprehension of my cumulative losses begins to make itself […]

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Impossible Questions, Unthinkable Answers

July 27, 2024 4 Comments

Photo taken at Buen Hombre, Dominican Republic 3 August 2019 We (the new “we”; yet another new “we”) are in the Dominican Republic. On “holiday”. On holiday from what? Or for what? On holiday from “normality”? No. On holiday for “recovery”? For “healing”? No. Just on holiday. A different space than our usual space for […]

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