Month: <span>August 2018</span>

Emma of 500 Days – And other stories of numbers and dates

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

20th August 2018  Today is my brother William’s birthday.  He is 53.  The age Mike was when he died.  I wonder if people like my brother, turning 53, think that they might die at 53?  I suspect not.  Though perhaps maybe more likely if they are spending part of their birthday in a hospital.  As […]

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A Holiday Chock Full of Gifts

July 27, 2024 2 Comments

14th August 2018 Back in January this year, for better or for worse, I acquiesced to (i.e., crumbled under) my girls’ insistent requests to visit the US for summer holidays.  (I don’t mention Ben in this because Ben was travelling in Latin America for months at that time, and more to the point, doesn’t weigh […]

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You’re So Strong!

July 27, 2024 No Comments

photo credit Sarah Treanor 6th August 2018 I fancy a series of blogposts on platitudes and statements that really are not compliments, not helpful to a grieving person.  Or at least to me.  There are so many phrases that I hear that make me want to snarl.  And sometimes I bite. Whether or not […]

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