Month: <span>July 2023</span>

Sixty. Unimaginably Sixty.

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

Image by Nick Fewings on Unsplash 28 July 2023 Yesterday, 27th July, Mike would have been 60. His birth date – 27 07 1963. My birth date – 27 03 1967. Same digits. Just turned around in a couple of places. I love number patterns, and I always loved that our birth dates had the […]

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A love letter to my parents

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

Photo my own 28 July 2023 Last weekend my parents had their 60th wedding anniversary celebrations. A little prematurely, in truth, for they were married on 7th September 1963 (“seven nines are sixty three!” being the clever little ditty for each and any one of us who wanted to be sure to remember their special […]

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Widows Walking in Wild Weather

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

Photos my own 16 July 2023 It is almost fully five years since I wrote a piece called “Widow Walking in Wild Weather”. It’s here: And, potentially lacking in imagination, this piece is called “Widows Walking in Wild Weather”. Plural. Simply because this time it is not just me, but me and fellow widbud, […]

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Endings, endings, endings everywhere

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Main image by Ben Wicks on Unsplash 9 July 2023 One of my favourite “change” models (and I know quite a few) is that of Bill Bridges – and crucially, it’s called “Transitions”. I love this man’s work for so many reasons – not least because I trained for my first marathon, back in 1997, […]

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