Month: <span>May 2021</span>

Navigating New Terrain

July 27, 2024 3 Comments

Photos my own 31 May 2021 I just re-read last week’s post to see if I had mentioned “Orienteering” and saw that – oddly – I hadn’t. However it was a feature underlying that piece of writing. Orienteering is where I had been with my parents, in Leucate, when I came across “Ed’s Feather” on […]

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The Smallest Of Gestures

July 27, 2024 3 Comments

Pictures created by myself. Main picture, my Grief Mentor. 24 May 2021 This past week has been abominably hard. Violently hard. Or should I say, this past week has had some abominably and violently hard moments, minutes and hours in it. Yes. That’s closer. I once heard that Christopher Reeve (aka Superman) said, after his […]

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On Life as Mayonnaise

July 27, 2024 2 Comments

Main image by Daniel Costa on Unsplash 17 May 2021 This isn’t a “deep” piece … just some in-the-moment noodlings, metaphors and wonderings. Sometimes people talk of “not being able to turn mayonnaise back into its component parts”, i.e., you can’t get your whole eggs back once you’ve beaten the hell out of them, mixed […]

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Non-Stop Dead

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash 9 May 2021 In the weeks and months after Mike died, people often asked me if I dreamt of him. I barely did. He was “in my dreams” – a presence in them – but dead. I remember resenting that I knew all the time, every moment, day or […]

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Re-Re, Re-Be

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

Re-enter, Re-emerge, Re-cover, Re-silient, Re-be, Re-re 1st May 2021 Today is a stay-in-bed-dayI am feeling weepyI am feeling bereftI am missing my old lifeI am missing my dead lovesI am missing my alive loves The dog and cat were with me for a while but even they got bored and left It’s all so iterative. […]

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