Month: <span>April 2020</span>


July 27, 2024 No Comments

Photo by Bannon Morrissy on Unsplash 24 April 2020 More stories of dates. And Dates. Sometimes I count a year as 52 weeks. Sometimes I count a year as 365 days. Or 366 days as the case may be. Sometimes I remember the day something happened. Sometimes the date is more important. And sometimes the Date. It’s all […]

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Same and Different – with a difference

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Featured Photo by Sarah Treanor at Writing started on 23rd March 2020, and finished on 8th April. Then finally posted on 23rd April. I have wanted to apply the “Same & Different” tool from Human Systems Dynamics for a while on a “sticky issue”. But which sticky issue? I have so many: The […]

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Messages From Mike

July 27, 2024 2 Comments

19 April 2020 There seems to come a time in life for those of us who do not grow up with formal religion – and perhaps it’s triggered by loss and hardship, perhaps by age – where we search for meaning in losses and in life, and messages or clues that there might be something […]

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Till Death Do Us Part

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Featured Image “Till Death Do Us Part” by Damien Hirst 13 April 2020 On this day, 13th April, twenty-four years ago, in 1996, it was snowing lightly up in Grasmere, in the English Lake District. The kind of snow that melted as it touched the ground, but that looked ever so pretty as it was […]

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Taxing Memories

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Photo by Carli Jeen on Unsplash 12 April 2020 Since becoming an independent consultant in 2012, my least-favourite task – that of preparing my income and expenses for my tax return – has been consistent. For some reason, I fail to compile my expenses and invoices on a monthly basis, despite my diary having a “reminder”. Presumably something […]

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Hard-Won Resilience

July 27, 2024 5 Comments

5th April 2020 One of my professional colleagues confessed, a few weeks ago, that “It feels awful to say this, but my, isn’t the Coronavirus beautiful?” I admit I did a double take. She added, “Not what the Coronavirus is causing, engendering, but the virus itself. The images we get of it are just beautiful. […]

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