Month: <span>February 2024</span>

Magical Deepening of Mystery and Awareness – aka MDMA

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Main image by Meritt Thomas on Unsplash 16th & 23rd February 2024 Two months ago, in mid-December 2023, I had my second psychedelic-induced non-ordinary experience. I wrote up a bit about the experience here – but always wanted to write more when I’d integrated, sensed into, and reflected upon things further. I’ve found that writing […]

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For the Love of Dog – again (*).

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

Photos my own, taken this week, February 2024 16 February 2024 Confession: I have whole and complete, two-way conversations with myself. Sometimes it’s all in my head. Sometimes I talk out loud. Usually after I have been up a little while but am not yet in full-on work mode. Puttering around in the bathroom or […]

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The Soothing of One’s Kids Being in a “Good Place”

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash 12 February 2024 Over the past few days, I have had opportunities to catch up with my alive kids, Ben and Megan. At risk of tempting fate by writing what I am about to write, because it feels so special, I find I don’t want to pass up on […]

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Wintering and Springing – or so I hope

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Photo by Bernd 📷 Dittrich on Unsplash 6th February 2024 We are now into February. There’s barely any snow on the Jura. The hills look like they typically look in April-, or even May-time. It’s sunny, and, standing in the sunshine, it feels warm (though I still scrape ice off my car windscreen on the […]

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