Grief is not contagious… and yet….

By Emma Pearson

July 27, 2024

7th November 2018

Grief is not contagious… and yet…

It reverberates inside me

And outside me

Almost invisible

But not quite


Truly felt

Like contours

On a detailed orienteering map


Or soundwaves


Yet felt

All over


Grief affects

Every thought I think

Every feeling I feel

Every emotion I experience

Every plan I create


Grief affects

Every dream I have

Every breath I take

Every friendship I make

Every story I tell


Grief affects

Every book I read

Every film I see

Every conversation I engage in

Every joke I hear


And no – you will not catch grief from me

Though sometimes I wish you would


No – you will not catch grief from me

Unless, just for an instant

You let your guard down

To sit with me

And truly stay

Stay still

And be



About Emma Pearson

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