Widowing Empty Nests

The Rich Wisdom of Dreams

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Photo by Mark Rimmel on Unsplash 4 January 2023 I tend to be a light sleeper. I always have been, even as a kid. The slightest bit of light, noise, and my own (not even that loud) snoring, wakes me. The upside of light sleep is that I awaken often during the night, and get […]

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New Year’s Noodlings and Ramblings

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Photo by Jamie Fenn on Unsplash 1st January 2024 I am still in a funky space. The “between Christmas/25th Dec and New Year/1st Jan” feels particularly challenging this year. I am still not sure why that is. I have my theories but none leap out at me saying, “hey chica – it’s because of this”. […]

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Michael – gentle, sweet, wise Michael

July 27, 2024 4 Comments

Photo taken by Jane del Pozo. Almost seven years ago to the day – 29 December 2016. You had just over three months to live. Writing posted on the Refuge in Grief website on 25 December 2017, and reposted here on 28 December 2023. It showed up in my Facebook feed. I love-hate how that […]

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It’s OK That You Are OK

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

16th December 2023 Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash I am an avid and active fan of Megan Devine’s work – whether her 30 Day Writing Your Grief programme, which I have participated in and facilitated many times; her Grief Care Programme for Professionals; her Journal “How To Carry What Can’t Be Fixed”; and of […]

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The Ubiquitous, Universal Language of Grief and Loss

July 27, 2024 4 Comments

Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash 11 December 2023 A friend of mine, N.O, wrote me a note the other day. She said, “Emma – I read your post on LinkedIn about the death of one of the residents at the hospice and your thoughts about it. I appreciate that you speak and write about […]

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Precious, Peaceful Bubble of Not-Knowing

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

Image by Marina Raspopova on Unsplash 7th December 2023 I no longer remember if some of this is a real or imagined story – but my memory tells me that – during the short timeframe when Mike and I knew something was “not quite right” with his insides, when he was getting some appointments and […]

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Another Life. Ended. Another Life. Beginning.

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

Main photo my own – taken yesterday 2 December 2023 while out and about. 3 December 2023 I am just back home from working a Sunday night shift at the hospice. I am full of wonderings and ponderings. One of the residents, a man called H, died early this morning. He is about my age. […]

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Gracious Gifts of Julia Grace

July 27, 2024 1 Comment

Main photo by CB 22nd November 2023 Julia was named Julia because… well… a bit of a long story, really, but the shortened version is that I had wanted to name her either Allegra or Olivia (if she was to be a girl)… And after she was born, whether at 5 am, or into the […]

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Hallowe’en Musings

July 27, 2024 No Comments

Image by Freestocks on Unsplash 31 October 2023 I didn’t know it was Hallowe’en (*) – hadn’t remembered it was Hallowe’en, at least – until I typed in today’s date. But Hallowe’en it is. I should perhaps think of letting my pet sitters back at home know that there will be a stream of kiddies […]

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Mike and Medjool Fusion Holiday

July 27, 2024 2 Comments

All photos my own – taken in Catania, Sicily, today (or else, as indicated, back in 1992) 7th October 2023 I am in Sicily. Alone not alone. Alone in that I have come away unaccompanied. Not alone in that there are the island’s usual residents, plus more than a handful of tourists. Last time I […]

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